Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Unscrupulous

Do you ever get sick of the people in this world who manipulate, scheme, plot and use people? I do.

I am fed up of people being down trodden, tired of inequality. I have had enough., I now rebel, I refuse to join the masses.

Whatever happened to do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Has our society degraded to the level whereby we no longer care about how we make people feel? Sadly I believe so. Unfortunately, feelings and emotions have become a very cheap commodity, one that has little value, one that is no longer revered. Don’t express your emotions in public, you’ll be judged, then it is highly likely you will be segregated, oh and by the way, don’t cry either, because you know, that is a weakness our society looks down upon.

Show one moment of weakness and there is always some unscrupulous person lying in wait to use it to their advantage. Why is this? The ultimate power struggle? Are they power freaks? You know our society endorses power, it endorses those who wish to wield it at any expense. Any expense, that phrase speaks for itself. Look at the world we live in, war, starvation, homelessness, illness. The care factor is sorely lacking, somewhere along our path as a race we have lost the main point, or perhaps we missed it to start with. When as a collective we can prevent suffering, prevent manipulation, prevent pain, prevent the current climate of neglect we live in and truly embrace one another as equals, then we will have the right to own power. Own our own power, the power that develops from with in.

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