Friday, April 25, 2008

Self Power, Would You Give It Up?

When one gives up their self power, one gives up their soul, gives up their identity. It is very easy to fall into to the trap of handing over ones autonomy, often it happens with such stealth it goes unnoticed. Once your self empowerment is in another’s hands it becomes a most dangerous weapon for the wrong person to wield.
Trust me I know.
It becomes a tool of control, to some extent brain washing as you become more and more reliant on the person who holds your true power prisoner. Even worse if the holder of your power has manipulative tendencies and acts without conscience. Eventually, such a high level of dependency occurs that you forget your identity, you believe whatever you are told, you become so concerned with pleasing others you forget the most important person in the equation: yourself.
Often you are forced into behavioural patterns that are not within your true nature, pushed to undertake things that do not resonate with the spirit within. There is a lack of clarity , no direction as you become more dependent on others, their vision becomes yours, their beliefs becomes yours as you gradually molded into someone who you can no longer recognize.
However, that being said, eventually there is an awakening, an inkling deep inside that perhaps the whole situation is not quite right. There are small clues and hints which become more visable over time as the awakening gradually increases. What causes this awakening? An event , circumstance, argument, the clear vision of a trusted confident, something which triggers deep within, a memory, a suspicion a rebellious thought regarding the person holding your self power. As time passes the suspicions grow, you become more astute, you watch and listen, actions speak louder then words.
You start having thoughts that not all is as it should be, that something feels out of kilter, that you are the one always giving with no reciprocation. These suspicions grow until you gather the inner strength to say no. Then watch and listen to the behaviour of the power taker, you will notice them grasping for control by attempting to exert their authority over you in one way or another, emotional black mail, manipulation and using your personal knowledge against you.
Once we have clear focus, once we can see the true nature of the relationship, we can begin to gather strength and energy to reclaim our self empowerment reclaim one of the most important aspects of ourselves.
It is not easy, not by a long shot, in fact it can be a very long, painful struggle, but ultimately the reward is priceless. The reward being freedom, wholeness, oneness, the power to be who you are and develop into what you have the potential to be.
Don’t ever give away your self power, trust me it is a very harsh lesson to learn.
© J Picken

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